Habits, Video Lecture - Guild Rate

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Habits Guild Lecture Pic.jpg
Meuse, Pandemic, Invisible, Sweetheart.jpg
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Habits, Video Lecture - Guild Rate


This purchase provides you a license for your entire guild to view this on-demand, pre-recorded lecture. Guild members are welcome to access the lecture individually, or you can stream/project it together as a group!

Class Description:

How can we observe our habits? When we see them clearly, how do we create change? This lecture will investigate habits around creativity, bodily movements, diversity & inclusion, and more. This subject will be approached with humility, as a person attempting to see and adjust their own habits. It is offered with background knowledge in hand quilting, art education, and yoga therapy. This lecture will not tell you which habits are good or bad, but will instead pose questions for self-reflection so that you might be better able to see and understand your own habits. Then, it will offer specific and practical techniques for creating change. This change can help to break through limiting beliefs, and can help in areas where willpower is not enough.

  • ⭕️ BE READY AFTER CHECKOUT: that is the easiest time to download the PDF required to access class. (You will also get an email from no-reply@squarespace.info with a link to the PDF, and a separate email with your receipt.)

  • The PDF also contains all of the text from the lecture, and MANY links for additional learning connected to the lecture.

  • All purchases are final.

There are many positive reviews for this lecture on my instagram post from 2/18/2021:

I loved the lecture Heidi. I’ve been thinking about Habits all day and really appreciate how you managed to bring urgency to the quilting demographic attending the conference in such a good gentle way, without scolding or judgement. You used your own experience to remind us how to be intentional about this hard subject and to demonstrate how you’ve applied it to your own life. That kind of vulnerability takes guts! The lessons were really valuable and thought provoking. I will definitely quilt AND create with more intention after listening.


Thank you, I enjoyed the talk. I appreciated seeing your messy work space. I always feel ashamed of mine but realize I should be grateful for it and make the best of it”


I absolutely loved your Habits lecture Heidi! I watched it live and want to go back and listen again. There was so much goodness in it. Of course the habit snuggling was a key take away. Also how limiting or negative thoughts can be a habit. I loved your reframe about your messy workspace being a part of the creative process. So true! One of the most profound takeaways was your sharing the conversation you had with Chawne Kimber about how we can change the habit of using the white American language/ assumptions/ perspective when describing quilts and quilt techniques. That was eye opening and so helpful. Quilts are quilts. ❤️”


“Yes - I love the term “Habit Snuggling”! It makes sense to link a new habit next to an existing habit. I will actively look for ways to use this concept. I really enjoyed the lecture and am already using the resources!”


“I loved your lecture. Your presence is so calming, I am definitely going to be looking into hand yoga, and I loved how you related the topics back to you life examples.”


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